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We connected with BC Women’s Foundation through a video we did with K’Pure Naturals to raise funds for International Women’s Day. After the great feedback from that film, BC Women’s contacted us about producing a film for their upcoming fundraiser. We produced a video telling the stories of two mothers who had both been impacted in different ways by the milk bank to show its importance in families lives. The video was played at the BC Women’s annual Glow Gala and the support generated was overwhelming. Over the course of the evening, 1.8 million dollars was raised for the foundation.

“We had only positive feedback from guests about the video. Dr. Tracy Pressey, who delivers some of the most complicated births in the province and sits on our committee, said that there wasn’t a dry eye at her table and the video really emphasized the absolute critical work at the milk bank.” - Sarah Clark, BC Women’s Foundation.


After the success of the Glow Gala, talks continued to create another video for their annual Illuminations Gala. The focus of this video was on the fundraising need for women’s health research specifically and the difficulties female researchers have with getting grants.